Available in the United States, Marodyne Low-intensity Vibration (LiV) Device

The Marodyne LiV Device is a third generation whole body low-intensity vibration device that safely contributes towards musculo skeletal health. The device builds on technology resulting from over 30 years of basic and clinical research, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and other funding agencies around the world. Sarcopenia, restoring motion to joints, adjunctive treatment for obesity, relieving minor pain or treating a temporary increase in local circulation may safely benefit by using Marodyne LiV for 10 - 20 minutes a day.
Shop nowDerived from space research
An astronaut will suffer deconditioning of their musculoskeletal system while in a zero-gravity environment. This is analogous to aging hereon earth.
To mitigate the astronaut’s muscle and bone loss while in space, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) put together a team, led by Professor Clinton Rubin, to research and develop the low-intensity vibration concept.
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Research & science supports Marodyne LiV
Low-intensity Vibration (LIV) is high frequency, low-magnitude whole body acceleration of the human standing on the device that contributes to bone and muscle wellness. These low magnitude accelerations also promote the building of lean muscle mass and the conditioning of muscle reflexes. These aid in the management of balance, gait and the musculoskeletal condition in the loaded skeleton. LIV is safe when compared to whole body vibration at acceleration levels greater than 1g1. LIV addresses the loaded skeleton (legs and spine) rather than a focal area when mechanical force is only applied to one region of the body.
It is important to emphasize that LIV, when delivered systemically, has a measured benefit in redeveloping muscles in sarcopenia in the elderly2, cuts fall incidence practically in half in the elderly3, and protects balance and stability during extended inactivity. It is important to note that use of LIV has reported no adverse events and is readily employed with high daily compliance.
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The Marodyne LiV device draws on a solid medical foundation.
The starting points for the development of the treatment were orthopedics, osteoporosis and space medicine. The future of the research is increasingly determined by new studies into musculoskeletal health and effect of these low magnitude vibratory forces.

Know who is behind the Marodyne LiV:
Clinton T. Rubin, is SUNY Distinguished Professor and Director of the Center for Biotechnology, Musculoskeletal Research Laboratory at Stony Brook University in New York. His contributions to basic, applied, translational and clinical science can be reviewed here: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=H-ld0GkAAAAJ&hl=enHe has spent his scientific career trying to understand how mechanical signals influence the body.
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Shop now1. Muir J, Kiel D, Rubin CT, Safety and severity of accelerations delivered from whole body vibration exercise devices to standing adults, J Sci Med Sport. 2013 Nov;16(6):526-31
2. Bao, Z. et al. Prevention of age-related neuromuscular junction degeneration in sarcopenia by low-magnitude high-frequency vibration. Aging Cell, e14156 (2024). https://doi.org:10.1111/acel.14156
3. Leung, K. S. et al. Effects of 18-month low-magnitude high-frequency vibration on fall rate and fracture risks in 710 community elderly--a cluster-randomized controlled trial. Osteoporosis international, 25, 1785-1795 (2014)